Tuesday, 16 September 2014



What is editing? 
Building the films narrative by selecting different shots and piecing them together making the story.

What is Elliptical editing?
Makes screen time shorter than story time by cutting out necessary actions. 

Why are long shots used?
To show the viewers the location of the character object. 

Non-diagetic sound
Music only the viewers can hear. The music adds tension and unease to the scene.

How do we know she is bending down to pick up the ring?
Due to the shots used and cutting them together we fill in the pieces of her picking up the ring.
Eye line matching shot was used in this scene to help us fill in the pieces. 


Overhead establishing shot – what does this achieve?
This will show the characters location and positioning, also when the characters are speaking. We can see all of them because of a overhead shot. 

What is Shot-Reverse-Shot?
Cutting back and forth between characters so we assume they are looking and speaking to each other. The interrogation scene in The Dark Knight where The Joker and The Batman are sitting across from each other, is a shot reverse shot due to the fact the camera constantly switches from behind both of them so we the audience are able to piece together both the characters are making eye contact. 

What is Eye-line matching?
Shots where it seems like one or more characters are looking at each other or at an object. IN Alfred Hitchcocks film Rear Window for example, eye line matching shots are frequently used. The main character is confined to his apartment and often looks out the window at events in the buildings across from him. Hitchcock frequently cuts to him looking off screen to the focus of his gaze. 

Why do we cut to the other members of the group?
So we the viewers can see the faces and reactions of the characters to the plan or what is being said. It also keeps the viewers on their toes and makes it more interesting rather than it just staying on one character.

What is a wipe?
Transitions to different scenes. 
Definition - A technique in film editing by which the projected image of a scene appears to be pushed or wiped off the screen by the image that follows. a piece of absorbent material, as of paper or cloth, used for wiping.wipe out, to destroy completely; demolish:

What is the effect of using quick cuts?
To keep the audience on their toes and be alert about what is gong on and keeps the story moving along. It keeps a fast rhythm and pace. An example of quick cuts is in the movie Shaun Of The Dead where many different actions of Shaun where he is shown to brush his teeth, put his name tag on and do his tie up, this also happens again in the movie where he discovers his room mate is a zombie as he using the toilets, does his trousers up and flushes the toilet and then closes the cupboard which shows us the audience his roommate is in the shower as a zombie. 

Flash back
A. scene in a film set in a time earlier than the main story. For example in supernatural when sam sees a certain object it reminds him of when he was with his past girlfriend of whom he was inlove with. 

Flash forward
A scene that takes the narrative into the future from the existing point which is now. They are often representing important points, events or memories. An example of this is in the first episode of Breaking Bad where Walt is scene holding a gun and police sirens are heading towards him but you are unable to see them, the title then plays and it goes from the beginning way before this even has occurred.

An individual strip of film consisting of a single shot; the separation of two pieces of action as a "transition" (used when one says "cut from the shot of the boy to the shot of the girl"); a verb meaning to join shots together in the editing process; or an order to end a take (cut). 

Close up
A tightly framed scene where something is emphasised to show the audience something.

Cut Away 
An interruption of continuos filming.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

My Favourite Media

My favourite genre of music is punk and my favourite band is Trash Talk.

This is their most popular song.

My favourite TV show is Game Of Thrones which is a fantasy show. 
